In 1876, thousands assembled for the inauguration of the Lafayette Park Music Pavilion, as a 30-piece band entertained the large crowd. The music stand remained a centerpiece of the park for two decades, hosting two concerts per week. It was among the most ornate park structures in the United States.
On May 27, 1896, a devastating tornado struck St. Louis, destroying much of the Lafayette Square neighborhood. In the park, trees were toppled and the Music Stand roof was blown apart.

As the community faded from mansions to boarding houses over the next 80 years, the music stand was lost, but never forgotten. The Lafayette Park Conservancy has long been committed to rebuilding the 1876 Music Stand.

A generous grant from Michael and Joan Gerard to the LPC has made it possible to engage a team of architects and engineers to develop plans to rebuild the music stand. In 2021 Baltis Architects, in partnership with their consultant John Vinci, Vinci|Hamp Architects a nationally recognized Chicago architect in the field of historic preservation, began design for the bandstand’s restoration.
To donate to our active work in restoring the Lafayette Park Music Pavilion, please click on the DONATE button below.