by Kieran Lindsey | Sep 16, 2021 | Invertebrates, Wildlife
BY KIERAN LINDSEY, PhD Mark Zuckerberg would not be one of 100 wealthiest and most influential people in the world without the help of wasps. I mean the six-legged kind (whether or not two-legged WASPs should get any of the credit is something for attorneys to discuss...
by Kieran Lindsey | Aug 19, 2021 | Amphibians, Wildlife
BY KIERAN LINDSEY, PhD I say potato, you like potahtos. You wear pajamas, I wear PJs. And a rose by any other name, we’re told, would smell equally sweet. So does it really matter that we all agree on what to call an American bullfrog? “HELL, YEAH!” That’s the...
by Kieran Lindsey | Jul 22, 2021 | Invertebrates, Wildlife
BY KIERAN LINDSEY, PhD Walking through the park at dusk the other night, I saw a single spark. Then another. Soon there were too many to count, hovering in the airspace between my chin and my ankles, lighting my way past the lake, the band stand, and the Park House....
by Kieran Lindsey | Jul 8, 2021 | Reptiles, Wildlife
BY KIERAN LINDSEY, PhD Picasso was feeling low. Following the suicide of his friend and occasional roommate, the painter Carles Casagemas, Pablo plunged into a rock-bottom depression that lasted more than 3 years. During this time (1901 to 1904), the vividly...
by Kieran Lindsey | Jun 24, 2021 | Invertebrates, Wildlife
BY KIERAN LINDSEY, PhD When the annual cicadas emerge each summer their tymbals vibrate at arboreal drumming circles all over town. The beats bounce and reverberate against hard city surfaces; during a crescendo, I swear I can feel the buildings and sidewalks pulsing...